
Farjana Haque Pingki

Research Assistant

Qualifications: BSc in Fisheries (NSTU), MSc in Marine Science (NSTU)

Expertise: Human malnutrition, micro plastic and heavy metal contamination.

Research Interest: Aquatic biodiversity, heavy metal, micro plastic Contamination, nutrition.


Pingki, F. H., Hossain, M. B., Amin, S. M. N., Sultana, M., Islam, M. M., Rahman, A. F. M. A., Nur, A. U.,and Arshad, A. (2020). Prevalence of malnutrition and associated factors of pond fish farmers from Noakhali coast, Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Biology, 41 (5): 1171-1178. DOI: http://doi.org/10.22438/jeb/41/5(SI)/MS_08